Job open­ings tick up very slight­ly despite high inter­est rates

The num­ber of job open­ings in the Unit­ed States increased by very slight­ly to 8.76 mil­lion in Feb­ru­ary, a sign that the labor mar­ket still has under­ly­ing strength despite high­er inter­est rates that have weighed on some sec­tors.
The new num­bers, includ­ing open­ings across all sec­tors for that month, were released as part of the Job Open­ings and Labor Turnover Sur­vey, which was updat­ed by the Bureau of Labor Sta­tis­tics on Tues­day.
The lat­est num­bers show that even with the Fed­er­al Reserve hav­ing raised rates to mul­ti-year highs, the labor mar­ket is hold­ing up. It could give the Fed some ammu­ni­tion to keep its inter­est rate tar­get high­er for longer.
About 3.5 mil­lion work­ers quit their jobs in Feb­ru­ary, lit­tle changed from the month b …