Pennsylvania’s Casey hopes not to strike out with union vot­ers

Pennsylvania’s Casey hopes not to strike out with union voters

CORAOPOLIS, Penn­syl­va­nia — Dressed in a suit and tie, Edward J. Bigley, the busi­ness man­ag­er of Plumbers Union Local 27, took to the podi­um just before Sen. Bob Casey, Jr. (D‑PA) was set to speak and out­lined who his union mem­bers were and why they were sup­port­ing the Scran­ton Demo­c­rat.
“We have eleven hun­dred mem­bers that rep­re­sent 15 coun­ties, and we are one of the 17 unions that make up the Pitts­burgh build­ing trades,” Bigley said at the event at the plumber’s local build­ing in sub­ur­ban Pitts­burgh.

Sen. Bob Casey, Jr. (D‑PA, cen­ter) speaks at the Plumbers Uni …