RFK Jr.’s Sober­ing Response to CNN’s Gaslight­ing of Trump as ‘Threat to Democ­ra­cy’

RFK Jr.’s Sobering Response to CNN’s Gaslighting of Trump as ‘Threat to Democracy’

Pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Robert F. Kennedy Jr. pro­vid­ed a fresh per­spec­tive on CNN, lam­bast­ing Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s vast cen­sor­ship enter­prise. 

RFK Jr. appeared for an inter­view on April 1 with CNN anchor Erin Bur­nett. The third-par­ty pres­i­den­tial can­di­date was asked if he real­ly thought that Biden was a worse threat to democ­ra­cy than for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
“Lis­ten, I can make the argu­ment that Pres­i­dent Biden is a much worse threat to democ­ra­cy, and the rea­son for that is Pres­i­dent Biden is the first can­di­date in his­to­ry, the first pres­i­dent in his­to­ry that has used the fed­er­al agen­cies to cen­sor polit­i­cal speech, to cen­sor his oppo­nent,” Kennedy said. “I can say that because I just won a case in the fed­er­al court of appeals and now before the Supreme Court that shows that he start­ed cen­sor­ing not just me 37 hours after he took the oath of office, he was cen­sor­ing me. …