CNN Pan­el Melts Down When Con­ser­v­a­tive Brings Up Obama’s Cult of Per­son­al­i­ty

Wednesday’s CNN This Morn­ing twice devolved into hys­ter­i­cal bewil­der­ment among the three lib­er­als on-set when con­ser­v­a­tive strate­gist and for­mer Tim Scott 2024 advis­er Matt Gor­man respond­ed to the left’s pearl clutch­ing around fer­vent sup­port for Don­ald Trump by remind­ing them of the cult of per­son­al­i­ty that sur­round­ed Barack Oba­ma.
Host Kasie Hunt premised the dis­cus­sion around a New York Times piece from reporter Michael Ben­der that claimed Trump sup­port­ers belong to the “Church of Trump” that views Trump as a deity and the repug­nant smear of non-Demo­c­rat Chris­tians by Tim Alber­ta in his fin­ger-wag­ging book.

Gor­man said he …