Trump’s ‘atti­tude’ toward his rival’s sup­port­ers threat­ens his reelec­tion bid, Karl Rove warns: ‘He’s wrong’

Trump’s ‘attitude’ toward his rival’s supporters threatens his reelection bid, Karl Rove warns: ‘He’s wrong’

For­mer advis­er to Pres­i­dent George W. Bush Karl Rove warned Don­ald Trump that the for­mer president’s atti­tude toward Nik­ki Haley’s sup­port­ers threat­ens his reelec­tion bid this Novem­ber. 
Rove claimed that with the elec­toral make­up of the 2024 elec­tion so close, Trump should not upset sup­port­ers of the for­mer U.N. ambas­sador because their lack of sup­port for him could ben­e­fit Pres­i­dent Joe Biden instead. More than 76,000 vot­ers chose Haley in Tues­day night’s Wis­con­sin pri­ma­ry, rep­re­sent­ing a sig­nif­i­cant per­cent­age of vot­ers still not sold on Trump.
“Mr. Trump’s atti­tude to his rivals’ sup­port­ers has gone from dismissiveness—’they always bend the knee’—to indif­fer­ence, say­ing he doesn’t need ‘too many’ Haley sup­port­ers to win in Novem­ber. He’s wrong,” Rove wrote in a Wall Street Jour­nal op-ed on Wednes­day.
Haley also won near­ly 250,000 votes for the Repub­li­can nom­i­na­tion in North Car­oli­na on Super Tues­day and anoth­er 77,000 in the Geor­gia pri­ma­ry a week lat­er. Although Trump is the pre­sum …