Lau­ren Boe­bert Diag­nosed With Rare Con­di­tion, Under­goes Surgery

Lauren Boebert Diagnosed With Rare Condition, Undergoes Surgery

Rep. Lau­ren Boe­bert (R‑CO) under­went surgery Tues­day morn­ing after she was admit­ted to a Col­orado hos­pi­tal and doc­tors found she had an acute blood clot, her cam­paign said.
Boe­bert, 37, was admit­ted to UCHealth Med­ical Cen­ter of the Rock­ies in Love­land, Col­orado, after she expe­ri­enced swelling in her leg, accord­ing to a state­ment released on Tues­day by her cam­paign. Upon under­go­ing a CT scan, doc­tors found that Boe­bert had an acute blood clot and diag­nosed her with May-Thurn­er Syn­drome, a rare con­di­tion that affects a vein in a person’s pelvis. Doc­tors com­plet­ed a suc­cess­ful surgery on Boe­bert Tues­day morn­ing, removi …