‘Pro-Life’ Nebras­ka Law­mak­er Switch­es To GOP After Revenge Cam­paign By Fel­low Democ­rats

‘Pro-Life’ Nebraska Lawmaker Switches To GOP After Revenge Campaign By Fellow Democrats

A state sen­a­tor in Nebras­ka announced on Wednes­day that he was chang­ing his par­ty affil­i­a­tion to Repub­li­can because the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty retal­i­at­ed against him for tak­ing a stand on abor­tion and trans­gen­der issues.
Mike McDon­nell, a law­mak­er from Oma­ha who is term-lim­it­ed this year after win­ning elec­tions in 2016 and 2020, made his plans known in a state­ment report­ed by News Chan­nel Nebras­ka.
“I have asked the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty to respect my reli­gious based Pro-Life posi­tion. Instead over the last year they have decid­ed to pun­ish me for being Pro-Life,” McDon­nell said.
Among the issues he point­ed out was the Nebras­ka Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty cen­sur­ing McDon­nell last month over votes that helped the pas­sage of restric­tions on abor­tion and trans­gen­der surg­eries on chil­dren.
McDon­nell also accused the Dou­glas Coun­ty Democ­rats of tak­ing revenge on him for being “Pro-Life” afte …