Cole advis­es Biden admin­is­tra­tion to take its time on fund­ing request for Bal­ti­more bridge col­lapse

Cole advises Biden administration to take its time on funding request for Baltimore bridge collapse

EXCLUSIVE — House Rules Com­mit­tee Chair­man Tom Cole (R‑OK) advised the Biden admin­is­tra­tion and Mary­land offi­cials to “take their time” while con­sid­er­ing how much fed­er­al aid to ask for in the wake of the col­lapse of the Fran­cis Scott Key Bridge.
Cole said in an inter­view with the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er on Wednes­day that “aid is flow­ing” to Bal­ti­more after the bridge col­lapse, includ­ing debris removal funds that have already been approved by the Trans­porta­tion Depart­ment. He also said emer­gency repair mon­ey will be avail­able as soon as a fig­ure is deter­mined.
“But the point is, the funds are there so that noth­ing should be delayed in deal­ing with his tragedy,” the con­gress­man said. “After that, you know, we’re wait­ing, obvi­ous­ly, for the admin­is­tra­tion to present a request. And my advice to them and hon­est­ly, peo­ple in Mary­land, was ‘take your time.’
“We have the mon­ey to deal with the imme­di­ate prob­lem,” Cole added. “The dan­ger in a sit­u­a­tion like this is you’ll always under­es­ti­mate and ask for too lit­tle, and not think through what the full scope of the cri­sis is.”
The Biden admin­is­tra­tion announced …