Pro-Ter­ror? Sun­ny Hostin Demands U.S. Aban­don Israel, Give Hamas the W

Pro-Terror? Sunny Hostin Demands U.S. Abandon Israel, Give Hamas the W

The View’s staunch­ly racist and anti-Semit­ic co-host, Sun­ny Hostin (the descen­dant of slave own­ers) came off as rather pro-Hamas dur­ing Wednesday’s edi­tion of the show as she demand­ed that the Unit­ed States aban­don Israel and allow them to lose the war; giv­ing the win to the geno­ci­dal ter­ror­ists. The ABC co-host also didn’t seem to care about the Israeli and Amer­i­can hostages being held hostage by Hamas.
Hostin’s anti-Amer­i­can­ism and anti-Semi­tism flared dur­ing a dis­cus­sion where the rest of the cast was com­mend­ing Hillary Clin­ton for telling the pro-Hamas vot­ers in Michi­gan and Wis­con­sin to get over them­selves and vote for Pres­i­dent Biden.
Speak­ing “as an Arab-Amer­i­can,” faux con­ser­v­a­tive Alyssa Farah Grif­fin didn’t like Clinton’s ver­biage but argued: “[Y]ou real­ly think Don­ald Trump would han­dle Gaza bet­ter than Joe Biden? If he thought, it was polit­i­cal­ly advan­ta­geous he would lev­el Gaza with­out a sec­ond thought.”
Co-host Joy Behar warned that the Trump admin­is­tra­tion nego­ti­at­ed peace in the Mid­dle Eas …