White House mum on Pales­tin­ian doc­tor who walked out of Biden’s meet­ing with Mus­lim lead­ers

The White House declined to say Wednes­day if Pres­i­dent Joe Biden‘s Iftar meet­ing on Tues­day was a suc­cess or offer any com­ment on the Pales­tin­ian Amer­i­can doc­tor who walked out of the dis­cus­sion before it con­clud­ed.
The meet­ing marked Biden’s first direct sit-down with Mus­lim lead­ers since the Oct. 7 ter­ror­ist attacks in Israel, and White House press sec­re­tary Karine Jean-Pierre remind­ed reporters dur­ing Wednesday’s brief­ing that the meet­ing was “sup­posed to be pri­vate.”
“The pres­i­dent respects Amer­i­cans — any American’s right to peace­ful­ly protest, and we’re going to con­tin­ue to have these con­ver­sa­tions, obvi­ous­ly, with that com­mu­ni­ty,” she stat­ed. “Par­tic­i­pants had an oppor­tu­ni­ty to be hon­est and to be able to share their thoughts and feel­ings about how, you know how, where they are, how they feel about the sit­u­a­tion hap­pen­ing, obvi­ous­ly, in …