ABC Still Mad Over Doc­u­ments Tri­al Despite Judge Rul­ing Against Trump

The Mar-a-Lago clas­si­fied doc­u­ments case con­tin­ues to sore vex the folks over at ABC News. Judge Cannon’s rul­ing against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s argu­ments doesn’t appear to be enough. The mood is still…salty.
Here’s how ABC World News Tonight cov­ered Judge Cannon’s rul­ing and response to Spe­cial Coun­sel Jack Smith’s fil­ing, as aired on Thurs­day, April 4th, 2024:

DAVID MUIR: Back in this coun­try, and a major set­back for Don­ald Trump tonight. A Flori­da judge reject­ing Trump’s attempt to have the clas­si­fied records case thrown out. Here …