Biden Sen­ate ally open to con­di­tions on Israel aid: ‘I think we’re at that point’

Biden Senate ally open to conditions on Israel aid: ‘I think we’re at that point’

Sen. Chris Coons (D‑DE), one of Pres­i­dent Joe Biden‘s strongest Demo­c­ra­t­ic allies in the Sen­ate, offered his clear­est indi­ca­tion yet that he would sup­port con­di­tions on U.S. mil­i­tary aid to Israel in the after­math of an airstrike that killed human­i­tar­i­an aid work­ers.
For months, Coons has said he would sup­port con­di­tions on the aid if Israel were to move for­ward with a full-scale ground inva­sion into Rafah. How­ev­er, the sen­a­tor, gen­er­al­ly a pro-Israel Demo­c­rat, expressed the frus­tra­tions of many par­ty law­mak­ers who are start­ing to pull away from the idea of unre­strict­ed aid as the civil­ian death toll in Gaza ris­es.
When asked if now is the time to tell Israel that there needs to be a change in tac­tics if U.S. mil­i­tary aid is to con­tin­ue, Coons said to CNN on Thurs­day, “I think we’re at that point.”
“I’ve nev­er said that before, I’ve nev­er been here before,” the sen­a­tor con­tin­ued. “I’ve been a strong sup­port­er of Israel the whole time I’ve served in Con­gress.”

The Israeli airstrike on Mon­day that killed sev­en human­i­tar­i­an work­ers from the World Cen­tral Kitchen has exac­er­bat­ed a grow­ing divide with­in the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty as the Jew­ish state attempts to destroy Hamas in the after­math of …