Jim­my Kim­mel Calls USA ‘Filthy And Dis­gust­ing’ After Trav­el­ing To Japan: ‘We Are Like Hogs Com­pared To The Japan­ese’

Posted in Trump
Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA ‘Filthy And Disgusting’ After Traveling To Japan: ‘We Are Like Hogs Compared To The Japanese’

Late-night host Jim­my Kim­mel said he’s look­ing at Amer­i­ca in a new light after a recent vis­it to Japan.
The 56-year-old said his trip abroad made him real­ize that the U.S. is unsan­i­tary com­pared to the land of the ris­ing sun.
“After trav­el­ing to Japan, I real­ize that this place, this USA we’re always chant­i­ng about, is a filthy and dis­gust­ing coun­try,” he said dur­ing his mono­logue on Mon­day night’s episode of “Jim­my Kim­mel Live.”
[embed­ded con­tent]
Kim­mel went on to describe how he used to believe that while the U.S. had “areas for improve­ment,” it was most­ly ahead in terms of clean­li­ness com­pared to most of the rest of the world.

“I go to Europe, and there are dirt holes …