Cit­i­zens sue Illi­nois may­or under bar­rage of inves­ti­ga­tions and res­ig­na­tion demands: ‘Worst may­or in Amer­i­ca’

Citizens sue Illinois mayor under barrage of investigations and resignation demands: ‘Worst mayor in America’

Twen­ty miles south of Chica­go, Demo­c­ra­t­ic Dolton May­or Tiffany Hen­yard, fac­ing many inves­ti­ga­tions, is now being sued by a for­mer human resources man­ag­er of a Cook Coun­ty town­ship after being ter­mi­nat­ed from her job fol­low­ing her return from fam­i­ly med­ical leave. 
San­dra Tra­cy appeared on Fox on Thurs­day with her lawyer Matt Cus­tar­do, who also rep­re­sents two oth­er for­mer Thor­ton town­ship employ­ees suing Hen­yard, to share how, upon her return, she had no place to work in the build­ing and then was fired after com­plain­ing about not being paid for six weeks.
“She’s used to being a bul­ly, intim­i­dat­ing peo­ple,” Cus­tar­do said. “She’s not back­ing down, but nei­ther are we.”
This is just the lat­est con­tro­ver­sy Hen­yard faces, in addi­tion to scruti­ny from Dolton res­i­dent …