Left­ists Whine About Utah Roy­als’ ‘Amer­i­ca First’ Jer­seys, Sta­di­um

Leftists Whine About Utah Royals’ ‘America First’ Jerseys, Stadium

The Utah Roy­als, a women’s pro­fes­sion­al soc­cer club based in Salt Lake City, faced crit­i­cism for their jer­seys and sta­di­um, which are named after their spon­sor — Amer­i­ca First Cred­it Union, from left­ists who claim the term “Amer­i­ca First” is root­ed in “fas­cism” and “racism.”
The cred­it union, found­ed in 1939 as the Fort Dou­glas Civil­ian Employ­ees Cred­it Union, changed its name to the Fed­er­al Employ­ees Cred­it Union in 1947 after it moved to Ogden, Utah, then chang …