Trump hand­ed shad­ow loss with Elec­toral Col­lege change in key state bat­ted down — for now

Trump handed shadow loss with Electoral College change in key state batted down — for now

Law­mak­ers in Nebras­ka reject­ed an attempt to change the way the state awards elec­toral votes to a “win­ner-take-all” sys­tem on Wednes­day night, but the spon­sor of the effort said he intends to try again before the leg­isla­tive ses­sion ends.
Nebras­ka allo­cates its elec­toral votes based on a pop­u­lar vote in each con­gres­sion­al dis­trict with two at-large elec­tors who mir­ror the pop­u­lar vote of the entire state, being the only state along­side Maine to do so. Gov. Jim Pillen (R‑NE) announced his sup­port to change the sys­tem on Tues­day, but the state Sen­ate vot­ed down the pro­pos­al 36–9 on Wednes­day night.
Repub­li­can state Sen. Julie Sla­ma brought the pro­pos­al to change the sys­tem via an amend­ment to anoth­er bill, say­ing she want­ed to get each sen­a­tor on the record on the mat­ter.
“Giv­en the recent inter­est on this …