LISTEN: Mark Levin Rips CNN ‘Hack’ Dana Bash for White­wash­ing Biden’s Cen­sor­ship Regime

<div>LISTEN: Mark Levin Rips CNN ‘Hack’ Dana Bash for Whitewashing Biden's Censorship Regime</div>

Syn­di­cat­ed radio host Mark Levin tore into promi­nent CNN Biden flack Dana Bash for try­ing to gaslight view­ers on the dan­gers of the White House cen­sor­ship regime.
Inde­pen­dent pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told CNN anchor Erin Bur­nett April 1 — to her dis­may — that it was in fact Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s cen­sor­ship regime, not for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, that pre­sent­ed the big­ger “threat” to Amer­i­ca. Kennedy point­ed out the Biden administration’s his­to­ry of jaw­bon­ing Big Tech com­pa­nies like Twit­ter and Face­book to go after the president’s polit­i­cal oppo­nents. Bash, clear­ly trig­gered, pathet­i­cal­ly tried to “fact-check” Kennedy the next day on CNN’s Inside Pol­i­tics. Her argu­ment pret­ty much amount­ed to excus­ing Biden because he sup­pos­ed­ly wasn’t per­son­al­ly involved in direct­ing his agen­cies to pres­sure social media com­pa­nies and the cen­sor­ship col­lu­sion was only engi­neered towards fight­ing so-call …