NY Post’s Nel­son Draws Out Angry KJP Over Report of WH Sex­u­al Harass­ment

NY Post’s Nelson Draws Out Angry KJP Over Report of WH Sexual Harassment

Near the end of a tense White House press brief­ing Thurs­day dom­i­nat­ed by ques­tions about Israel, the New York Post’s Steven Nel­son drew terse replies from Press Sec­re­tary Karine Jean-Pierre over his recent report­ing on pow­er­ful White House aide Antho­ny Bernal being accused of “bull[ying] and ver­bal­ly sex­u­al­ly harass[ing] col­leagues over more than a decade.”
Not only has Bernal has vehe­ment­ly denied the alle­ga­tions in Nelson’s heav­i­ly-sourced sto­ry, but Chief of Staff Jeff Zients went on the record to defend him and Bernal could be viewed as unfirable giv­en he’s so close to First Lady Jill Biden she’s report­ed­ly called him her work spouse.
Nel­son began with that descrip­tion of Bernal, adding “[t]hree for­mer col­leagues have made alle­ga­tions of sex­u­al harass­ment against him, build­ing on pri­or reports of bul­ly­ing” and not only have “[s]ome of these sources have worked with you,” but “you’d find them cred­i­ble.”
Giv­en that, Zients’s state­ment and his “sources” being “alarmed…it could chill sex­u­al harass­ment and bul­ly­ing reports”, he won­dered “[h]ow can the White House…possibly jus­ti­fy not…investiga[ing] these alle­ga­tions.”
Jea …