Port of Bal­ti­more expect­ed to par­tial­ly reopen by end of April

Port of Baltimore expected to partially reopen by end of April

The U.S. Army Corps of Engi­neers revealed a ten­ta­tive time frame to reopen the Port of Bal­ti­more by the end of April fol­low­ing the Fran­cis Scott Key Bridge col­lapse.
USACE said that after col­lab­o­rat­ing with local, state, and fed­er­al part­ners to clear the port, a “lim­it­ed access chan­nel 280 feet wide and 35 feet deep” with­in the next four weeks. The chan­nel will sup­port one-way traf­fic in and out of the port.
“Thanks to the exhaus­tive work of the Uni­fied Com­mand dur­ing the last two weeks, includ­ing under­wa­ter sur­veys and de …