One More Try at Reduc­ing the Debt

“Nei­ther a bor­row­er nor a lender be.”– Polo­nius to his son Laertes in “Ham­let”
It may be too late giv­en the num­ber of Amer­i­cans who have will­ing­ly allowed them­selves to become depen­dent on gov­ern­ment more than them­selves, but it’s worth try­ing.
Our $34 tril­lion debt is unsus­tain­able, accord­ing to most econ­o­mists. If we don’t act soon, we will be worse off than we are now. Our econ­o­my could col­lapse. The eco­nom­ic future is not bright if we con­tin­ue down our cur­rent path. Accord­ing to Sta­tista Research,“ By 2034, the gross fed­er­al debt of the Unit­ed Sta …