Sarah Bed­ford says Biden cam­paign treats econ­o­my like ‘a mes­sag­ing prob­lem’

Sarah Bedford says Biden campaign treats economy like ‘a messaging problem’

Sarah Bed­ford ana­lyzed Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s cam­paign strat­e­gy sur­round­ing the econ­o­my.
Bed­ford, the Wash­ing­ton Examiner’s inves­ti­ga­tions edi­tor, appeared on Fox Business’s Cavu­to: Coast to Coast to share how the public’s per­spec­tive on the econ­o­my will affect the incumbent’s cam­paign. While infla­tion is decreas­ing, along with unem­ploy­ment, under the Biden admin­is­tra­tion, the major­i­ty of peo­ple believe the econ­o­my is doing poor­ly. Rather than focus on pol­i­cy, the cam­paign is work­ing on its mes­sag­ing, accord­ing to Bed­ford.
“I think that the Biden cam­paign has had a lot of wish­ful think­ing when it comes to the econ­o­my. For one, they’ve treat­ed the eco­nom­ic num­bers as a mes­sag­ing prob­lem, not as a pol­i­cy prob­lem. They have not real­ly con­tend­ed with the fears and anx­i­eties many vot­ers have about the afford­abil­i­ty of every­day life.”

Biden’s pres­i­den­cy saw record-break­ing infla­tion cou­pled with high gas prices at the begin­ning. As the costs began to decline, the admin­is­tra­tion took cred­it in press con­fer­ences and social media posts.
“They’ve been search­ing for a brand­ing solu­tion to this, right? Whether it’s ‘Bide­nomics’ or whe …