Judge won’t dis­miss Trump doc­u­ments case, rebukes Jack Smith demand as ‘unjust’

Judge won’t dismiss Trump documents case, rebukes Jack Smith demand as ‘unjust’

A Flori­da fed­er­al judge denied a bid by for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump to dis­miss his clas­si­fied doc­u­ments case on the grounds that his actions were per­mit­ted under the Pres­i­den­tial Records Act.
Trump’s attor­neys had moved to dis­miss the case on those grounds, writ­ing in a Feb­ru­ary fil­ing that the PRA grant­ed “unre­view­able dis­cre­tion on Pres­i­dent Trump to des­ig­nate the records at issue as per­son­al.” While U.S. Dis­trict Judge Aileen Can­non did not grant Trump’s motion to dis­miss 32 counts per­tain­ing to unlaw­ful reten­tion of clas­si­fied records, she also called spe­cial coun­sel Jack Smith‘s demand that she reveal her legal log­ic on the mat­ter quick­ly “unjust.”

In this image from video pro­vid­ed by the Sen­ate Judi­cia­ry Com­mit­tee, Aileen C …