Biden los­es Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s endorse­ment for 2024

Biden loses Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s endorsement for 2024

Actor and wrestling super­star Dwayne “The Rock” John­son said he won’t be endors­ing Pres­i­dent Joe Biden this year despite endors­ing him in 2020.
John­son, who is prepar­ing for this weekend’s Wrestle­ma­nia 40 in Philadel­phia, told Fox News’s Fox and Friends First he regret­ted using his celebri­ty influ­ence in 2020. He was not alone in endors­ing Biden as a celebri­ty, join­ing the voic­es of Tay­lor Swift, Bey­once, and Cher, among oth­ers.
“Am I hap­py with the state of Amer­i­ca right now? Well, that answer’s no,” John­son said. “Do I believe we’re going to get bet­ter? I believe in that. I’m an opti­mistic guy, and I believe we can get bet­ter.”

🚨BREAKING: Dwayne ‘The Rock’ John­son says he regrets endors­ing Joe Biden in 2020 and will not endorse him in 2024.
— Ben­ny John­son (@bennyjohnson) April 5, 2024

Few celebri­ties have endorsed Biden so far this elec …