PREVIEW: After Much Whin­ing, Joe Biden Final­ly Gets His Uni­vi­sion ‘Soft­ball’ Inter­view

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s Novem­ber sit down with Tele­visa anchor Enrique Aceve­do, which aired on Uni­vi­sion in the Unit­ed States, trig­gered a Cher­nobyl-style melt­down among the left. Part of the under­ly­ing ratio­nale for the melt­down was a feel­ing that Aceve­do didn’t come off the top rope on Trump, pre­fer­ring instead to con­duct a “nor­mal” inter­view with­out per­for­ma­tive­ly inter­rupt­ing and pes­ter­ing the 45th Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States. Many on the left derid­ed the inter­view as a “soft­ball”. How­ev­er, every­thing is fine now that Pres­i­dent Joe Biden has scored his own Uni­vi­sion “soft­ball”. 
As Adri­an Car­rasqu …