Left ‘jeal­ous’ Biden vot­ers don’t have ‘pas­sion’ that Trump vot­ers have: Jesse Wat­ters

Left ‘jealous’ Biden voters don’t have ‘passion’ that Trump voters have: Jesse Watters

Fox News host Jesse Wat­ters sug­gest­ed for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump‘s sup­port­ers have more “pas­sion” than Pres­i­dent Joe Biden‘s sup­port­ers.
Friday’s air­ing of The Five fea­tured a dis­cus­sion on a poll by Fox News that found 60% of respon­dents said their lives are bad under the Biden admin­is­tra­tion. Mean­while, 47% report­ed a bad life dur­ing Trump’s pres­i­den­cy.
“That’s why it’s so easy to vote this year because four years ago, you had the guy. It wasn’t like you don’t remem­ber what it was like four years ago,” Wat­ters said. “Every­body remem­bers. The only per­son who doesn’t remem­ber is an old, elder­ly man with a hazy mem­o­ry. But that’s an advan­tage as a vot­er — it is still fresh. That’s why peo­ple are now say­ing, ‘Well, wait a sec­ond. I don’t like where we are going.’”

Wat­ters point­ed to Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson‘s rescind­ed endorse­ment of Biden as an exam­ple of peo­ple who have changed their minds about B …