News­Busters Pod­cast: Mark Levin Ham­mers CNN’s Bash and Tap­per

<div>NewsBusters Podcast: Mark Levin Hammers CNN's Bash and Tapper</div>

CNN is peren­ni­al­ly offend­ed at the thought that Don­ald Trump is still polit­i­cal­ly viable despite all its dirty work for Democ­rats. On his radio show this week, Mark Levin ham­mered Dana Bash for “fact check­ing” RFK Jr and tack­led Jake Tap­per’s plead­ing for Democ­rats to pan­der hard­er to pro-Hamas vot­ers. 
Mark Levin took after CNN host Dana Bash for rush­ing to say RFK Jr. had “NO EVIDENCE that Biden him­self was involved” in cen­sor­ing RFK’s speech. He …