No Labels plots 2024 back­up plan after fail­ing to field third-par­ty tick­et

No Labels plots 2024 backup plan after failing to field third-party ticket

The cen­trist group No Labels is redi­rect­ing its polit­i­cal plans for the 2024 elec­tion after it aban­doned a third-par­ty tick­et.
Lead­ers of No Labels host­ed a Zoom call Fri­day after­noon with more than 1,000 del­e­gates, just one day after the group end­ed its efforts to launch a uni­ty tick­et to chal­lenge Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump ahead of their like­ly Nov. 5 show­down.
The group’s efforts faced heavy crit­i­cism from both Repub­li­cans and Democ­rats. But lead­ers remain undaunt­ed as they pre­pare for Novem­ber.
“Today is the begin­ning of the next phase of our move­ment. We’re stronger now than we’ve ever been, and our coun­try needs us more than ever before,” said Nan­cy Jacob­son, No Labels’s founder and CEO. “And as we plan for our future, we want to hear the ideas of every­one on this call. And we’ll be sched­ul­ing small­er region­al calls i …