Wild-Eyed Scar­bor­ough: Netanyahu Inten­tion­al­ly Starv­ing Gaza, Like STALIN Starved Ukraine

Posted in Trump
Wild-Eyed Scarborough: Netanyahu Intentionally Starving Gaza, Like STALIN Starved Ukraine

Joe Scar­bor­ough is noto­ri­ous for his inces­sant Trump = Hitler analo­gies. Now, for pur­pos­es of smear­ing Ben­jamin Netanyahu, Scar­bor­ough has devised an anal­o­gy to anoth­er mass-mur­der­ing dictator.On today’s Morn­ing Joe, Scar­bor­ough began by claim­ing that Netanyahu “had a plan to force famine on the Pales­tin­ian peo­ple, on the Gazan people.“Scarborough then upped the ante, claim­ing that Netanyahu’s plan is “cal­cu­lat­ed, and let me say, it’s cal­cu­lat­ed just like Stal­in’s star­va­tion of Ukraini­ans was cal­cu­lat­ed. This is cal­cu­lat­ed by Ben­jamin Netanyahu.“Scarborough’s men­tion of Stal­in’s star­va­tion of Ukraine was a ref­er­ence to the Holo­modor, a famine imposed on Ukraine in 1932–33 by Stal­in in which an esti­mat­ed 3.9 mil­lion Ukraini­ans perished.As the max­im goes, in war, truth is the first casu­al­ty. Var­i­ous anti-Israel orga­ni­za­tions have accused Israel of inten­tion­al­ly starv­ing Gazans, but hard facts are hard to find. Often, head­lines are clev­er­ly couched: star­va­tion “looms,” star­va­tion is “stalking.“Consi …