The Cleve­land Plain Deal­er’s ‘True North’ Is Tru­ly False

<div>The Cleveland Plain Dealer's 'True North' Is Truly False</div>

Well, isn’t this inter­est­ing.
One Chris Quinn, the Edi­tor at the Cleve­land Plain Deal­er, has tak­en the time to pen a “Let­ter from the Edi­tor” to the paper’s read­ers. The top­ic: the paper’s cov­er­age of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
The let­ter is designed to set the appar­ent crit­ics of the paper’s Trump cov­er­age straight. Cov­er­age that, it seems, strikes Plain Deal­er Trump-sup­port­ing read­ers as — shock­ing, I know — biased against the for­mer pres­i­dent.
The let­ter, found here, is a clas­sic of think­ing from inside the lib­er­al media bub­ble. Lack­ing any self-aware­ness and, in the name of “truth” mak­ing utter­ly untrue com­ments.
Let’s take a look.
Says Quinn: “The north star here is truth. We tell the tru …