No, ‘Civ­il War’s’ Fas­cist Pres­i­dent Isn’t Don­ald Trump

Few films have stirred the cul­tur­al pot quite like “Civ­il War.”
The April 12 release envi­sions a near-future Amer­i­ca at war with itself.

[embed­ded con­tent]

Kirsten Dun­st leads an ensem­ble cast includ­ing “Parks and Recre­ation” stand­out Nick Offer­man as the U.S. pres­i­dent. Much of the film’s sto­ry has been kept under wraps. The film’s SXSW Film and TV Fes­ti­val debut let some light shine on the nar­ra­tive.
Offerman’s pres­i­dent, for exam­ple, has fascis­tic ten­den­cies and is cur­rent­ly serv­ing his third term.

It must be Trump. Of course.
if Hol­ly­wood has taught us any­thing over the past sev­en-plus years it’s that it can’t stop ref­er­enc­ing the 45th pres­i­dent. And, almost every time said com­men­tary is unflat­ter­ing.
To be kind.
That’s exact­ly what …