You’re rehired: Trump’s RNC chaos con­tin­ues with rever­sal of 60 fir­ings and high-lev­el frus­tra­tion

You’re rehired: Trump’s RNC chaos continues with reversal of 60 firings and high-level frustration

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump‘s team recent­ly rehired 60 for­mer Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee staffers who were asked to resign when Trump took over the party‘s financ­ing arm, mark­ing the lat­est twist for the com­mit­tee.
The 60 staffers, which include region­al polit­i­cal direc­tors, mem­bers of the data and state strat­e­gy teams, and most of the RNC’s state direc­tors, were ini­tial­ly asked to resign and reap­ply for their posi­tions dur­ing the first day of Trump’s takeover.
Sev­er­al of the peo­ple who were not rehired were peo­ple who had leaked infor­ma­tion, the cam­paign said in a call to reporters last week. 
“Chris [LaCivi­ta] and Susie [Wiles] care about the sta­tus of the RNC and how the team comes togeth­er,” Trump cam­paign spokes­woman Danielle Alvarez told Axios. “The lead­ers talk to make sure they are on the same page.”
The rever­sal is the lat­est in a strin …