Trump says he’s the ‘Mod­ern Day Nel­son Man­dela’ because of Man­hat­tan judge’s gag order

Trump says he’s the ‘Modern Day Nelson Mandela’ because of Manhattan judge’s gag order

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump com­pared his legal trou­bles to that of for­mer South African Pres­i­dent Nel­son Man­dela.
Trump took to Truth Social Sat­ur­day to bemoan the gag order issued to him by Man­hat­tan Judge Juan M. Mer­chan. This gag order is relat­ed to Trump’s hush mon­ey case, where notable wit­ness­es include for­mer Trump lawyer Michael Cohen and porn star Stormy Daniels.
“It is so bad what he is try­ing to get away with – How was he even cho­sen for this case??? I heard he fought like hell to get it, and all of the rest of them also,” Trump wrote of Mer­chan. “If this Par­ti­san Hack wants to put me in the ‘clink’ for speak­ing the open and obvi­ous TRUTH, I will glad­ly become a Mod­ern Day Nel­son Man­dela — It will be my GREAT HONOR.”

Man­dela served 27 years in prison fol­low­ing his cam­paign to over­throw the apartheid gov­ern­ment. Upon his release, he served a sin­gle term as the country’s pres­i­dent.
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