White House Report Card: Biden bum­bles over trans­gen­der East­er, Israel betray­al

White House Report Card: Biden bumbles over transgender Easter, Israel betrayal

This week’s White House Report Card finds Pres­i­dent Joe Biden work­ing over­time to please his lib­er­al base and anger­ing the rest of the coun­try with his knee-jerk polit­i­cal moves.
Por­trayed as a “devout Catholic,” the pres­i­dent dis­mayed mil­lions of Chris­tians with a state­ment declar­ing East­er Sun­day also as a “Trans­gen­der Day of Vis­i­bil­i­ty.” More than 639 words, he embraced the day in a procla­ma­tion that he eas­i­ly could have shelved since it would anger those more focused on Christ’s res­ur­rec­tion. His East­er state­ment took up just 94 words.
He and his team also stepped up crit­i­cism of Israel over its defen­sive actions fol­low­ing the Octo­ber Hamas attacks on inno­cent civil­ians. Israel gave the admin­is­tra­tion ammo by strik­ing a con­voy of aid work­ers from Chef José Andrés World Cen­tral Kitchen. Israel accept­ed blame for the deaths after the admin­is­tra­tion threat­ened …