Biden brings in mas­sive $90 mil­lion haul in March and has $192 mil­lion on hand

Biden brings in massive  million haul in March and has 2 million on hand

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden brought in a mas­sive fundrais­ing haul last month, his cam­paign announced Sat­ur­day, after he held a major fundrais­er that brought in more than a quar­ter of the cash.
Biden tout­ed a $90 mil­lion intake for the month of March, which means he wraps the first quar­ter with $187 mil­lion and enters the sec­ond quar­ter with $192 mil­lion in cash on hand. 
“The mon­ey we are rais­ing is his­toric, and it’s going to the crit­i­cal work of build­ing a win­ning oper­a­tion focused sole­ly on the vot­ers who will decide this elec­tion, offices across the coun­try, staff in our bat­tle­ground states, and a paid media pro­gram meet­ing vot­ers where they are,” Biden’s cam­paign man­ag­er Julie Chavez Rodriguez said in a state­ment. “It’s a stark con­trast to Trump’s cash-strapped oper­a­tio …