DeSan­tis says uptick in GOP vot­er reg­is­tra­tion reflects Florida’s poli­cies

DeSantis says uptick in GOP voter registration reflects Florida’s policies

Gov. Ron DeSan­tis (R‑FL) point­ed to the Sun­shine State’s poli­cies for the notice­able uptick in vot­er reg­is­tra­tions made in Flori­da for the Repub­li­can Par­ty.
Florida’s reg­is­tered Repub­li­can vot­ers cur­rent­ly out­pace Democ­rats by near­ly 900,000, a far cry from when Repub­li­cans had almost 300,000 few­er vot­ers in 2018. DeSan­tis not­ed how the shift in vot­ers is due, in part, to those who were already liv­ing in Flori­da swap­ping their par­ty reg­is­tra­tion to Repub­li­can, as well as those who were polit­i­cal­ly home­less now join­ing the par­ty.
“But I do think the migra­tion has skewed amongst peo­ple who come to Flori­da not because they want to change the poli­cies to reflect in Illi­nois or Cal­i­for­nia or New York, but because they a …