IDF Pulls Ground Troops From South­ern Gaza, Stress­es ‘War Is Not Over’ Until Hostages Are Free

IDF Pulls Ground Troops From Southern Gaza, Stresses ‘War Is Not Over’ Until Hostages Are Free

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) insist­ed on Sun­day that the war against Hamas is not com­ing to a close fol­low­ing reports of a ground troop with­draw­al from south­ern Gaza.
Lt. Col. Peter Lern­er, a spokesper­son for the IDF, report­ed­ly told the BBC that the mil­i­tary com­plet­ed its mis­sion in the Khan You­nis area, lead­ing to a rota­tion of troops while a focus of the cam­paign remains on the south­ern city of Rafah.
“It is a decline in the forces but there are more oper­a­tions that need to be con­duct­ed. Rafah is clear­ly a strong­hold. We need to dis­man­tle Hamas’ capa­bil­i­ties wher­ev­er they are,” Lern­er said.
“This is anoth­er stage in the war effort” in which the IDF’s cam­paign is “con­tin­u­ous­ly evolv­ing,” he con­tin­ued, adding, “The war is not over. War can only be over when they [hostages …