Embat­tled Dem Sen­ate Can­di­date Says He Sud­den­ly Fell Ill, Backs Out Of Anoth­er Debate

Embattled Dem Senate Candidate Says He Suddenly Fell Ill, Backs Out Of Another Debate

Rep. David Trone (D‑MD), who is run­ning for a U.S. Sen­ate seat in Mary­land and is fac­ing fall­out after utter­ing a racial slur, can­celed events after his doc­tor referred him to the hos­pi­tal due to ill­ness, his cam­paign said on Sun­day.
“Last night fol­low­ing an event, David felt dehy­drat­ed and began to reg­is­ter a fever. Out of an abun­dance of cau­tion David’s doc­tor encour­aged him to seek fur­ther test­ing at a local hos­pi­tal,” Team Trone said in a state­ment.
“David is feel­ing well and expect­ing to return home this aft …