John­son denounces ‘anti-Israel rhetoric’ on six-month anniver­sary of Hamas attack

House Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA) hon­ored on Sun­day the six-month anniver­sary of Hamas’s dead­ly ter­ror­ist attack on Israel and blast­ed what he described as an “appalling” lack of sup­port from some Democ­rats for the coun­try as it con­tin­ues its war in Gaza.
“Since the mas­sacre, it’s been appalling to watch anti-Israel rhetoric and sup­port for an uncon­di­tion­al cease-fire grow among Democ­rats in Wash­ing­ton, even as Hamas holds 130 Israelis and Amer­i­cans hostage in Gaza,” John­son said in a state­ment.
Hamas ter­ror­ists killed 1,200 civil­ians and took about 240 hostages in an attack in Israel on Oct. 7. Mil­i­tants in Gaza are still hold­ing 130 of the hostages in cap­tiv­i­ty, accord­ing to the Israeli mil­i­tary.
Since the attack, Israel has been ca …