John Fet­ter­man declares he is ‘not woke’ when asked about squatter’s rights

John Fetterman declares he is ‘not woke’ when asked about squatter’s rights

Sen. John Fet­ter­man (D‑PA) claimed he was not woke on Sat­ur­day, echo­ing pre­vi­ous remarks that he is “not a pro­gres­sive.” 
In an inter­view with the New York Post, Fet­ter­man said he was “not woke” when ques­tioned about squatter’s rights. Known for his hood­ed sweat­shirt and car­go shorts out­fit com­bi­na­tion, Fet­ter­man has moved more to the cen­ter on issues since he was elect­ed in the 2022 midterm elec­tions. 
“I am not woke,” Fet­ter­man said. 
“Squat­ters have no rights,” Fet­ter­man said. “How can you even pre­tend that this is any­thing oth­er than you’re just break­ing the law?”
He said that when he was a may­or in Penn­syl­va­nia, squat­ters were an issue he often dealt with. He called the idea of squatter’s rights “wild.”
“It’s wild that if you go away on a long trip, for 30 days, and some­one breaks into your home and sud­den­ly they have rights,” he said. …