Hillary Clinton’s return to alma mater met with Pro-Pales­tin­ian protests

Hillary Clinton’s vis­it to her alma mater, Welles­ley Col­lege, was dis­rupt­ed by pro­test­ers con­demn­ing her for her lack of sup­port for a cease­fire in Gaza.
Clin­ton, a for­mer sec­re­tary of state, returned to the school on Sat­ur­day to cel­e­brate the open­ing of a cen­ter named after her, as well as to attend a democ­ra­cy-themed sum­mit. Pro­test­ers dis­persed among the summit’s crowd, how­ev­er, chant­i­ng and hold­ing up signs read­ing “Hillary for Women Unless They’re Pales­tin­ian” and “Hillary, Hillary, you’re a liar; we demand a cease-fire,” accord­ing to the New York Times.
Pam­phlets cir­cu­lat­ing around cam­pus ahead of her vis­it also said Clin­ton had “blood on her hands” and was the college’s “most beloved war crim­i­nal,” accord­ing to a local news report.
Col­lege cam­pus­es have been rife with pro-Pales­tin­ian activists call­ing for Israel to stand down from the coun­terof­fen­sive it launched in Gaza in Octo­ber as a r …