For­mer DoJ Spox: Maybe Amer­i­cans NEED To View 47-Minute Hamas Atroc­i­ty Video

There was much hand-wring­ing across the Sun­day dial, specif­i­cal­ly over Pres­i­dent Biden’s vac­il­lat­ing response to Israel’s war against Hamas, in response to the atroc­i­ties com­mit­ted on Black Sab­bath six months ago today. Against this back­drop, for­mer Depart­ment of Jus­tice spokesper­son Sarah Isgur deliv­ered clar­i­ty as to what remains at stake.
Watch as Isgur sug­gests that per­haps view­ing the 47-minute Hamas atroc­i­ty reel could serve as a reminder of what hap­pened that day, as opposed to pro-for­ma com­par­i­son …