McConnell calls on Con­gress to give House-passed Tik­Tok bill ‘urgent atten­tion’

McConnell calls on Congress to give House-passed TikTok bill ‘urgent attention’

Sen­ate Minor­i­ty Leader Mitch McConnell (R‑KY) expressed his sup­port on Mon­day for a House-passed bill to push the Chi­nese own­ers of Tik­Tok to divest or face being banned in the Unit­ed States, although the path for­ward is still unclear in the upper cham­ber. 
“This is a mat­ter that deserves Congress’s urgent atten­tion. And I’ll sup­port com­mon­sense bipar­ti­san steps to take one Beijing’s favorite tools of coer­cion and espi­onage off the table,” McConnell said, speak­ing on the Sen­ate floor on Mon­day evening.
The House vot­ed 352–65 last month to pass the Pro­tect­ing Amer­i­cans from For­eign Adver­sary Con­trolled Appli­ca­tions Act. The bill, intro­duced by Rep. Mike Gal­lagher (R‑WI), would make it unlaw­ful for app stores or web host­ing ser­vices to pro­vide servi …