News­Busters Pod­cast: The Left­ist Media Often Can’t ‘Get Reli­gion’

Posted in Trump
<div>NewsBusters Podcast: The Leftist Media Often Can't 'Get Religion'</div>

As the media bring their left­ist lens to the “cul­ture wars” and reli­gion in pol­i­tics, they’re prone to sim­pli­fy­ing every­thing and only cov­er­ing reli­gion when it intrudes on the new ortho­doxy of wok­e­ness. Ter­ry Mat­ting­ly oper­at­ed the site GetRe­li­gion for 20 years, and he explains how he assess­es the medi­a’s han­dling of reli­gion sto­ries.
We know sev­er­al things from years of study. First, the media report very few reli­gion sto­ries. Sec­ond, the reli­gion sto­ries they choose to do typ­i­cal­ly focus on when church­es are inter­ject­ing into the polit­i­cal are­na (which sec­u­lar reporters don’t like). Third, since reporters are gen­er­al­ly not reli­gious­ly obser­vant peo­ple, they show their igno­rance of inter­nal church mat­ters, and bored with con­tro­ver­sies like Catholics strug­gling with the Tra­dit …