Trump Releas­es Long-Await­ed Abor­tion Posi­tion, Says Poli­cies Should Be Left To States

Trump Releases Long-Awaited Abortion Position, Says Policies Should Be Left To States

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump declared on Mon­day that he sup­ports states being able to decide how to han­dle abor­tion pol­i­cy fol­low­ing a Supreme Court rul­ing that over­turned Roe v. Wade.
Now the pre­sump­tive GOP pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee, after his major rivals dropped out and he secured enough del­e­gates to clinch the nom­i­na­tion, Trump announced his posi­tion on the con­tentious issue in a video post­ed to his Truth Social plat­form.
“My view is now that we have abor­tion where every­body want­ed it from a legal stand­point, the states will deter­mine by vote or leg­is­la­tion or per­haps both, and what­ev­er they decide must be the law of the land. In this case, the law of the state,” Trump said.

WATCH: Trump releas­es new state­ment on abor­tion pol­i­cy, say­ing abor­tion restric­tions should be left to states. Do y …