Biden rolls out new stu­dent loan plan, ignor­ing GOP legal chal­lenges

Biden rolls out new student loan plan, ignoring GOP legal challenges

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden unveiled a pro­pos­al to can­cel or reduce stu­dent loan debt for as many as 30 mil­lion bor­row­ers just months before the 2024 gen­er­al elec­tion.
The president’s first attempt at uni­lat­er­al action on stu­dent loans was struck down by the Supreme Court in the sum­mer of 2023, yet the White House has tak­en addi­tion­al steps in the sub­se­quent months. As of Mon­day, the Biden admin­is­tra­tion has suc­cess­ful­ly can­celed bil­lions in loan debt for more than 4 mil­lion bor­row­ers.
A coali­tion of Repub­li­can-led states has chal­lenged his actions in court, set­ting up anoth­er legal show­down that has direct impli­ca­tions for Biden’s reelec­tion cam­paign as he attempts …