Ari­zona Supreme Court abor­tion deci­sion slammed by state Repub­li­cans: ‘Today’s rul­ing is a dis­as­ter’

Arizona Supreme Court abortion decision slammed by state Republicans: ‘Today’s ruling is a disaster’

Ari­zona Repub­li­cans are blast­ing the state Supreme Court rul­ing on Tues­day that upholds a Civ­il War-era near-total abor­tion ban, claim­ing the deci­sion goes too far in a state where abor­tion rights will like­ly weigh heav­i­ly on the out­come of the 2024 elec­tion.
The Ari­zona Supreme Court rul­ing bans abor­tions with no excep­tions for rape or incest, and the only excep­tion is in cas­es in which the moth­er faces imme­di­ate life-threat­en­ing con­di­tions. Health­care providers who per­form the abor­tion unlaw­ful­ly will receive a man­dat­ed jail sen­tence of two to five years, as well, under the rul­ing.
The court rul­ing, based on a ter­ri­to­r­i­al law passed before Ari­zona was a state, issued a wave of dis­ap­proval and out­rage from both Democ­rats and Repub­li­cans, includ­ing vul­ner­a­ble mem­bers of Arizona’s House del­e­ga­tion and Sen­ate can­di­date Kari Lake.
Rep. Juan Cis­co­mani (R‑AZ) blast­ed the law as “archa­ic” and going way fur­ther than the state’s cur­rent restric­tions on abor­tion that ban the pro­ce­dure after 15 weeks.
“Today’s rul­ing is a dis­as­ter for women and providers,” C …