Brazil­ian Supreme Court Takes On Elon Musk And X In Social Media Crack­down

Brazilian Supreme Court Takes On Elon Musk And X In Social Media Crackdown

This past week­end Brazil’s Fed­er­al Supreme Court Jus­tice Alexan­dre de Moraes ordered X to block a num­ber of pop­u­lar accounts. Almost imme­di­ate­ly after, Elon Musk said that free speech prin­ci­ples mat­ter more than prof­its. And he announced plans to defy the court’s order and lift all speech restric­tions in the coun­try once his employ­ees are in a “safe place” where they are not at risk of being arrest­ed. Musk says he expects he will ulti­mate­ly be forced to shut down X’s office in Brazil and will lose all rev­enue there.
On April 7, shor …