Ari­zona Supreme Court Upholds 1864 Law Pro­tect­ing Unborn Babies From Abor­tion In Near­ly All Cas­es

Arizona Supreme Court Upholds 1864 Law Protecting Unborn Babies From Abortion In Nearly All Cases

The Ari­zona Supreme Court came down with a major abor­tion rul­ing on Tues­day, uphold­ing a law passed in 1864 that out­laws all abor­tions in the state except when the mother’s life is at risk.
The case made its way to the state’s high­est court after an appeals court ruled in Decem­ber 2022 that doc­tors could not be pros­e­cut­ed under the 160-year-old abor­tion ban that went into effect before Ari­zona was a state. The state Supreme Court ruled 4–2 …