Cal­i­for­nia House race ends in tie set­ting up his­toric three-way bat­tle in Novem­ber

California House race ends in tie setting up historic three-way battle in November

California’s 16th Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict made his­to­ry in the 2024 pri­maries after two can­di­dates fin­ished in sec­ond place after receiv­ing the exact same num­ber of votes, send­ing three peo­ple for Rep. Anna Eshoo’s (D‑CA) seat to the gen­er­al elec­tion this Novem­ber.
Democ­rats Evan Low and Joe Simit­ian each gar­nered 16.6% of the vote, or 30,249 votes, accord­ing to results from the office of the Cal­i­for­nia sec­re­tary of state released on Fri­day. Results will be cer­ti­fied on April 12.
Low, who serves in the Cal­i­for­nia State Assem­bly, and Simit­ian, the San­ta Rosa Coun­ty super­vi­sor, will join fel­low Demo­c­rat and first-place fin­ish­er Sam Lic­car­do on the gen­er­al elec­tion bal­lot, mark­ing the first time in California’s his­to­ry that three can­di­dates will do so since the state adopt­ed its top-two pri­ma­ry sys­tem in 2012.
Under state law, regard­less of par­ty, the top two vote-gett …