Far-right oper­a­tives agree to pay $1.2 mil­lion for 2020 robo­call cam­paign that attempt­ed to sup­press black vote

Far-right operatives agree to pay .2 million for 2020 robocall campaign that attempted to suppress black vote

Two far-right activists agreed to pay up to $1.2 mil­lion to New York Attor­ney Gen­er­al Leti­tia James’s office for a robo­call cam­paign in 2020 that sought to sup­press the state’s black vote.
James said Jacob Wohl and Jack Burk­man have agreed to pay the funds, which are dras­ti­cal­ly low­er than a fed­er­al $5.1 mil­lion charge for mak­ing sim­i­lar calls in oth­er states. 
“Wohl and Burk­man orches­trat­ed a depraved and dis­in­for­ma­tion-rid­den cam­paign to intim­i­date Black vot­ers in an attempt to sway the elec­tion in favor of their pre­ferred can­di­date. Now they will pay up to $1.25 mil­lion,” James said in a state­ment announc­ing the agree­ment on Tues­day. She called the pair “con­spir­a­cy the­o­rists” who “intim­i­dat­ed” black vot­ers with “threat­en­ing” robo­calls.

FILE – In this image tak­en from video pro­vid­ed by the 36th Dis­trict Court in Michi­gan, Jacob Wohl, left, and Jack Burk­man appear dur­ing their arraign­ment via video, Thurs­day, Oct. 8, 2020 in Detroit. (36th Dis­trict Court via AP, File)

James filed the suit against Wohl and Burk­man i …